I'm nuzzling up to truth.

I'm nuzzling up to truth.
And showing the spit on my face.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Awareness videos help open the ugly truth.....

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of trying to fine tune my message and delivery. I have enrolled at the local media center with my Dad. We need to learn how to run the equipment and use the studios. Which should take us about a month. After we am done, I get to make our own videos. And the media center airs the program on local cable. Then I will be able to post them on the internet.
I have been trying to think up names for my show. Please suggest ideas.
So far I have "Silence and Shame" or "The Ugly Truth" or should I name my show "Voice Finder"?

Awareness videos

I found these great videos created by others. Here I have some great ones from Steven Ing.
Steven Ing, M.A., M.F.T., is a therapist in private practice who counsels sex offenders referred by the Dept.of Parole & Probation. Over the last 11 years, his work with thousands of sex offenders has resulted in an extremely low recidivism rate.
A clinician and author, he presents regularly as an expert on the treatment of sex offenders.

Why does a person commit a sex crime?
What About the Victims of Sex Crimes?
How Should Sex Offenders Be Punished?

Stay strong and heal my friends.


  1. Dear Renee:

    I am very must behind you. I have taught and continue to teach many children who like you have been sexually assaulted by family, friends, strangers.... It saddens my heart. Perhaps a good title could be "It Could Happen to You Too".

    Keep up the healing and know that our family is behind you 100%.
    Kathy Robinson

  2. HI Kathy,

    Thank you for your support. It does happen way too often. I have just created a television talk show called "Voice Finder, CSA", it's set to start running on May 12th.

    And yes, it could happen to any child. All an abuser needs is an opportunity.

    I am so happy to hear that you do understand and try and help.

    I am doing my best to teach me how to be a better speaker so that I can reach out and help the children and those who need to heal.

    My Dad will be in will be on one of my shows telling how parents can help.

    Kathy, I would love your feedback on my series. Here are the links to the first show.
    http://www.youtubVersion A Part 1 -
    Part 2
    Thank you again for your support. I do need it. What I am doing now is very exposing but I think it needs to be done.
