I'm nuzzling up to truth.

I'm nuzzling up to truth.
And showing the spit on my face.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Expect sexual predators to be after your children. They are.

Child Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention.

Expect sexual predators to be after your children. They are.

Please expect sexual predators to be after your children. They are. The average girl is crossed CLOSELY by about 100 sexual predators before she reaches adulthood. And a boy, 10 maybe 20. So the ugly truth is, parents should expect sexual predators to be after their children. They are. Pretending abusers are not around, does not make your child safe. It makes your child vulnerable. Too vulnerable.

Abusers are waiting for you NOT to expect or suspect them. They are waiting for an opportunity when your back is turned. They come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Mine was a 15 year old boy next door. A predator only needs one opportunity, one. One violation can damage a child’s life. Expect sexual predators to be after your kids. Put in the block in their way. Be prepared and proactive instead of reactive.

Over a third of our children are sexually abused by someone they know. Someone close to the family or even in the family. Err on the side of safety. Children do not make up stories about sexual abuse. If they tell you that something happened, believe them and investigate. If you sense something is wrong, don’t dismiss it. Act on it. Know the major tells. Don’t ignore your good instincts and leave your child vulnerable. Don’t believe no-one will hurt them, unfortunately some people will. Eliminate the opportunities, please.

I hope this makes sense? It makes sense to me. As a child, I needed a block. I needed my parents and my family to know that sexual predators would be after me. I needed them to help me. As an adult, I am trying to give children the help I needed. My goal is that fewer children will be facing sexual predators alone if at-all. Let’s help the kids by admitting and resolving the problems today. Ok?

Thank you again for letting me share.


Next weeks post, “That’s a shame.” sorry for delay, I believed this message needed to get out fast. I’ll post early. Ok?

Copy written by Renee B. Cooper, 2010


  1. Hope say: Renee is right. We let the rapist right into our home. He raped me. In court I became very, very aware of the danger for which I was in and how narrowly my boys escaped. My chest constricts to think of it. I didnt believe teens were predators-sexual predators-but they can be. How stupid I was. My brother was 8 years older than us and he abused us sexually. So, ofcourse teens are predators too. I am vigilent now. I wont let my boys go to male restrooms. And other mothers understand. But I still feel my gut wrench when I realize I let that 16 year old move right in and it was disaster for me, but it could have been for them. Thanks for writing. Keep it up...

  2. There is always Hope, Thank you, my friend.
    We will find a better way. We will. And I think we are both beginning to find the way. I am finding mine in this blog and direction. And you are more on the battle ground. The front line. You are doing the right thing, regardless. Because it is the right thing.
    Yes, teens rape. And it is against the law, not normal growing. Why do people want to believe that raping is normal? I have no idea Hope, but I know you will find a better result.
    Stay strong and heal,

  3. I wish you health, happiness, hugs, and much healing Renee.

    You speak for so many.

  4. Thank you Anjali,

    I am doing my best to find my true voice and use it purposely. A lot of healing has been happening in this process of breaking all my silence. It has allowed me to lose the shame. What a wonderful thing to dump. I hated feeling shame, it never fit me. And now, I can be free of it. It feels wonderful. So yes, I am healing and making huge stride with the well wishes and encouragement, and a lot of guts.
    Thank you for the healing help and letting me share.

  5. You've gone from After Silence!
    What happened? I enjoyed your posts.x

  6. Hi Elena,

    Yes, I am gone from After Silence. Locked out of my account. They didn't like me sharing my blog. They said I was forcing it on to everyone on the site. We disagreed, and my access has been denied.
    But that is alright Elena, I did what I needed on the site. I met other wonderful survivors who share my passion for complete mental health. Survivor who need better solutions to this no good problem of sexual assault.
    I tried to share with everyone on the rape site how I got rid of all my shame, and maybe I was over eager. But I am not wrong, it worked. I lost all my shame by going public this blog.
    And now I really feel as if I am making huge strides and moving in a positive preventive direction.
    The truth of what sexual assault does to us is often hidden. I am not hiding it anymore. I am taking the full truth out in the light and dealing with it directly. And I am glad you are joining me. I will need friends who understand.
    If you or any of the other survivors wish to contact me directly and privately, my email is my profile. "StoryRose1@aol.com" And I have opened a "myspace" account Renee B Cooper, myspace.com/reneebcooper. Maybe, I should have named my space "Voice Finders".
    Yes, I bid farewell to After Silence. And I wish all be stay strong and heal. We will find a way.
    Thank you for the great support. Now, I don't feel so alone on this road. And that really helps me to find my strength and continue.
    We will find a better way.
